Wednesday, 18 July 2012

To the dark side and back

I recently had an interesting experience with alcohol, and not the good kind of interesting. You see deep down, well not that deep down, I'm an arsehole. Add a shit load of mostly Tequila and I become a complete dick.

Overall I had a good time, and so did those around me, but i couldn't stop myself from being a dick. There was a guy there being a complete and utter sleaze, and I found myself planning his murder. While I'm sure most people have had similar fantasies, I was quietly collecting the items I would need...which needless to say wasn't good. Of course I didn't go through with my plans, even though he was giving a particularly hard time to someone i care a great deal about.

Then I did something a little stupid, which I'm quite ashamed of really. I hid a note professing my love for someone I really shouldn't. Regret set in and my Tequila fuelled mind wandered off to where it usually goes when I've drank too much. I've always had this fantasy of disappearing, of walking off into the night and never been seen again. No-one notices and the world is a better place.

The guilt of my previous thoughts and actions lead my imagination to assembling notes for all those I care about, planning my suicide and wondering if being the first martyred bomber against a terrorist would be a suitably ironic death.

At this point the really stupid part of my brain kicked in and I imagined all suicide bombers to be tanked on Mexico's finest, and if the U.N. would just go to war on Tequila then the world would be a happier place.

I guess we all have to take the consequences of our actions, have some self control and run when there's Tequila on offer

Monday, 18 June 2012

Out of gas

Don't you hate it when life stalls on you?

Both Almighty D and myself have been suffering worse health recently, which has put SurvivalBox on hold for the moment. I'm having trouble writing due to lack of motivation and my new paint shed hasn't built itself yet.

Life in general seems to be on hold. Nothing of interest, nothing of romance, nothing of anything really. Which sucks, but also leaves a lot of time to think.

Why is life so complicated? As civilisation progresses, we make things more and more ridiculous to keep track of. Sub-cultures pop up every day, fashions change, labels get re-labelled. Children lose their innocence younger, but grow up later. We watch faked reality tv shows and apparently everything is out to kill us.

And yet somehow we thrive. The human race takes it all in and asks "What's next?"

My life has stalled, stuck in bed alone feeling like crap yet again....but what's next?
Will I feel better tomorrow? Will they find a cure? Will I meet someone special? Am I actually going to be a success at anything I do? What will my next big adventure be?

I don't know about you, but I can't wait to find out.

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Two Idiots and the Internet part 2

I've set up the blog side of the project
which is currently named In Case of Emergency.
As soon as we've finished the first vid I will be setting up a YouTube channel and linking both here and there.
We are also working on a product line which will be on a made to order system to start with, and probably as daft as the vids.
More information on both closer to time of release.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Two idiots and the internet

So quite a long time ago, Almighty D and myself kicked around an idea. For an even longer time people have been almost literally pissing themselves laughing at our rants and idiotic conversations, and The Boy wanted a recording to prove to his friends just how daft we are.
Now it should be said that we didn't actually know we were being funny, quite often we were serious indeed.
So anyway, Almighty D looked at his camcorder, looked at me, then at the camcorder, back to me and said "Did you just fart?"
After a lengthy conversation about the intricacies of farting, we had an idea.
We were going to do a vlog/web series of our rants and debates. We'd invite a random person to each episode and provide a topic. Then we'd ignore the topic and talk bollocks for ten minutes or so.
We'll probably start with a few stories of our past. Usually starting with "This one time Almighty D and I.." and ending with something on fire.
So check back soon and we'll have a YouTube channel up and running as well as blog somewhere on the interwebs.